Senin, 30 Mei 2011

Teknologi Komputer

Teknologi Komputer Masa Kini



iFreeze adalah konsep iMac masa depan, desain berbasis ilustrator dan di desain Adam Benton. Sepenuhnya nirkabel, iFreeze yang dilengkapi dengan 30″ layar LCD yang menjadi transparan bila tidak digunakan. Keyboard yang juga transparan dan menggunakan kunci cahaya sensitif illuminated. Seluruh mesin akan dikemas dengan 5TB harddisk.

Laptop yang mempunyai dua layar dengan desain mirip buku, barang itu lebih tepatnya kalau disebut Digital Book. Prototipe dari XO-2 dan One Laptop Per Child (OLPC).

TriBook dengan tiga konsep layar ultra lebar yaitu 21″ lebar layar. Ia juga memiliki sebuah 8x SuperDrive, 1TB harddisk, dan MacBook Pro-calibre CPU, plus sebuah keyboard multitouch trackpad..

Paper PC karena bentuknya yang seperti lembaran kertas berupa layar sebagai antar muka dan dilengkapi pena untuk mengoperasikannya dengan cara touch screen. Paper PC ini didesain oleh Avery Holleman.

Primer Gaming Laptop (PGL) dapat menjadi pilihan sebagai langkah gamers keluar ke medan perang. Ketika dibuka sempurna, memiliki desain yang super lebar yaitu 26″ (13″ ketika ditutup) dengan 32:10 aspek lebih baik dalam permainan visibilitas.

Generasi laptop masa depan dibuat oleh industri desainer Jerman Felix Schmidberger, model classy, elegan, futuristik. Ini adalah laptop yang menggunakan OLED touchscreen.

softwareMenilik kebutuhan akan software-software open source, memperkenalkan produk terbarunya nettop Open-PC. Nettop ini memang dikhususkan untuk bisa berjalan dengan konsep open source, dimana Anda tak perlu lagi menggunakan driver dan dibebaskan dari softwrae-software berlisensi. Lalu bagaimana yah kira-kira spesifikasi hardware yang tersusun di dalam nettop Open-PC ini?
Berbekal processor dual core Intel Atom 330 berkecepatan 1.66GH, memori 3GB RAM, GMA 950 sebagai grafisnya serta sudah memiliki kapasitas hardisk mencapai 160GB. Open-PC dibalut oleh chasing Mini-ITX. Ukuran dari nettop ini sendiri yaitu 345 x 100 x 425 mm. Seperti yang bisa Anda bayangkan tentunya nettop ini sudah diinstalasi dengan sistem operasi Linux dengan environment KDE.
Nah, Anda tertarik untuk memiliki nettop yang serba open source ini? Maka siapkan saja dana sekitar 359 EUR atau sekitar 4,6 juta rupiah untuk bisa memilikinya. Kabarnya dana sekitar 10 EUR dari hasil penjualan setiap unit Open-PC akan disumbangkan pada proyek KDR.

Siapa yang tak ingin memiliki PC gaming paling mutakhir saat ini, yang mana merupakan generasi termuda dari Acer Predator. Dilihat dari modelnya saja sudah bikin kita tergiur, belum lagi itu semua tak lepas dari kecanggihan yang tersusun di dalam spesifikasi hardware dan software di dalam perangkat gaming ini.
Di negeri Sakura, Jepang, Pihak Acer pun meluncurkan PC gaming Aspire G Predator dengan model ASG7750-A64 yang mana merupakan upgrade dari model ASG7710-A41 yang memang sebelumnya sudah diluncurkan tahun 2009 lalu.
Desain dari model baru ini memang tak terlalu mirip dari yang lama, ASG7750-A64 Predator dibalut dengan chasis berwarna hitam dan tetap didominasi oleh warna orange yang begitu kental, sehingga memberikan nuansa tangguh dan kokoh. Kira-kira spesifikasi macam apa ya yang menyusun mesin canggih ini?
Dibekali dengan processor Intel Core i7-950 berkeceptan 3.06GHz, 6GB RM, dual NVIDIA GeForce GTX 260 sebagai grafisnya. Untuk kapasitas hardisknya sendiri, laptop ini mencakup 1TB dan juga sudah memiliki Blu-ry drive. Fitur lain yang dimiliki oleh PC gaming ini yaitu 2 Gigabit Ethernet LAN port, 4 DVI-I output, 2 eSATA port, 2 IEEE 1394, 10 USB 2.0 port dan multi-in-1 card reader.

Tampaknya para calon pembeli harus segera berburu dengan cepat untuk dapat membawa pulang PC gaming ini, karena kabarnya PC gaming ini hnya diproduksi 100 unit saja yang mana masing-masing dibandrol dengan kisaran harga sekitar 289.999 JPY atau sekitar 30,5 juta rupiah.
Fujitsu Notebook
Saat ini makin digencarkan komputasi hijau sehingga akhirnya pihak Fujitsu juga menunjukkan kiprahnya dengan mengumumkan keberadaan model terbaru laptop proGREEN yang memang sangat ramah lingkungan.
Produk laptop Fujitsu proGREEN ini kabarnya sangat hemat energi sehingga akan membawa keuntungan bagi si pemakai terutama perusahaan dan pelaku bisnis, sehingga tentu awetnya baterai akan mengurangi biaya listrik secara signifikan tanpa perlu ada efek samping pada produktivitas perusahaan.
Saat ini sudah ada beberapa produk yang mendukung komputasi hijau termasuk di dalamnya nama-nama seperti PC ESPRIMO, notebook LIFEBOOK dan server CELSIUS. Hadirnya notebook Fujitsu terbaru tersebut kabarnya merupakan permintaan dari beberapa perusahaan mitra yang ingin menambah jajaran perangkat komputasi hijau yang mudah dibawa kemana saaja dan bisa digunakan di perkantoran.
Produk laptop Fujitsu tersebut sudah memiliki sertifikat ENERGY STAR 5.0 dan mencapai konsumsi daya rendah berkat penggunaan processor Intel Core i7 vPro. Kehadiran proGREEN ESPRIMO E9900 dan P9900 dijadikan sebagai solusi ciamik dan terjangkau dengan penggunaan processor Core i5, bisa menghemat energi 10% penggunaan listrik dibandingkan dengan generasi sebelumnya. Efesiensi ini dilengkapi dengan pengurangan jumlah bahan kimia beracun yang digunakan dalam produksi. Selain itu kabarnya produk ini juga mendapatkan sertifikat peduli lingkungan seperti Nordic Swan, Blue Angel, EPEAT dan juga ENERGY STAR 5.0.
Ada juga produk proGREEN dari CELSIUS dengan tipe W280 dan H700. Sistem di dalamnya dilengkapi dengan kartu grafis NVIDIA dan juga processor Core i7.
Produk baru keluaran Fujitsu kali ini yaitu notebook LIFEBOOK E780 dan LIFEBOOK S710. Hadir dengan ukuran layar 14 inchi dan 15.6 inchi, keduanya lebih hemat energi 25% dibandingkan dengan generasi sebelumnya. Adaptor AC juga lebih hemat 87% dengan menggunakan LED dan Fujitsu EcoButton, sehingga akan menonaktifkan komponen yang tidak diperlukan untuk memungkinkan ekstra energi hingga 1 jam. Kini model laptop LIFEBOOK E780 sudah dibundel dengan 2 baterai sehingga bisa awet dipakai hingga 18 jam lamanya. Wow!

Notebook Fujitsu
“Fujitsu sudah memimpin produksi alat berteknologi tinggi yang ramah lingkungan lebih dari 20 tahun lamanya. Kami adalah vendor IT pertama yang menawarkan serangkaian lengkap produk ramah lingkungan. Jajaran produk ini menawarkan semua manfaat lingkungan dan performa yang maksimal tapi dengan harga yang terjangkau. Selain itu, perusahaan-perusahaan penggunanya dapat mencapai penghematan biaya karena penggunaan energi yang lebih hemat juga.” papar Rajat Kakar, wakil presiden direktur Fujitsu Technology Solutions.

Senin, 16 Mei 2011

Dignity tab

Bullet for My Valentine

Guitar 1:
  . .   . .   .   .   . .         . .   . .
  . .   . .   .   .   . .         . .   . .

  . .   . .   .   .   . .         . .   . .

  . .   . .   .   .   . .         . .   . .

Guitar 2:
  . .   . .    .   .   . .         . .   . .

  . .   . .    .   .   . .         . .   . .

  . .   . .    .   .   . .         . .   . .

  . .   . .    .   .   . .         . .   . .

VERSE 1 Part 1---
Guitar 1:
"This society just won't let us be..."
  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

"Please don't be ashamed, we are not to blame, the..."
  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

"future's ours to take, we will make mistakes..."
  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

"scream this loud and proud, 'WE WILL NOT BACK DOWN!'..."
  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Guitar 2:


  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

VERSE 2 Part 2---
Both guitars:
"So let's go and relieve the pressure, and a kick can only make it
  . .   . . .   . . .           . .   . . .   . . .

"We can't, we won't surrender, we can't, we won't surrender..."
                                . . .

"We're not scared 'cause our life in danger, we add the heat will only
make it stronger..."
  . .   . . .   . . .           . .   . . .   . . .

"We can't, we won't surrender, we can't, we won't surrender..."
                                . . .

Guitar 1:
"Don't tell me where are we laying your..."

"cemetery, don't try to silence and..."
                                                  . .  . . .  .

"bury me, don't push me 'cause I won't go..."

"quietly, I'd rather die with dignity..."
                                              .   .  .  .   .  . . . . . . . .
Guitar 2:

                                            . .  . . .  .



(repeat INTRO x.5)

VERSE 2 Part 1--- [except both guitars play the harmony]
[repeat VERSE 1 Part 1]
"Women put us down, hope we're not around...
They pray we go away, but we're here to stay...
Time is on our side, our two worlds collide...
These four words might help, just go fuck yourself!..."

VERSE 2 Part 2---
[repeat VERSE 1 Part 2]
"So let's go we'll release the pressure...
And a kick can only make it better...
We can't we won't surrender...
We can't we won't surrender!...
We're not scared 'cause our life in danger...
We add the heat will only make it stronger...
We can't we won't surrender...
We can't we won't surrender!..."

[repeat CHORUS]
"Don't tell me where are we laying your cemetery...
Don't try to silence and bury me...
Don't push me 'cause I won't go quietly...
I'd rather die with dignity..."

Guitar 1:
  .     .     . . .. . . . . . . . .     .     . .

  .     .     . . .. . . . . . . . .     .     . .

  .     .     . . .. . . . . . . . .     .     . .

  .     .     . . .. . . . . . . . .     .     . .

Guitar 2:


  .      .     . . .. . . . . . . . .      .     . .

  .      .     . . .. . . . . . . . .      .     . .

SOLO--- [for Guitar 2, I'm just doing the harmonies. The rhythm is very
easy to figure out]
Guitar 1:

(2:56) [hammer on and pull off as you please]------------->






Guitar 2:







Guitar 1:




Guitar 2:




[repeat CHORUS 2x]
"Don't tell me where are we laying your cemetery...
Don't try to silence and bury me...
Don't push me 'cause I won't go quietly...
I'd rather die with dignity...
Don't tell me where are we laying your cemetery...
Don't try to silence and bury me...
Don't push me 'cause I won't go quietly...
I'd rather die with dignity..."

[repeat INTRO x.5]


Minggu, 24 April 2011

10 Fakta tentang Handphone

10 Fakta tentang Handphone

Ponsel, HP, atau telepon genggam sudah menjadi barang kebutuhan pokok masyarakat kita. Tingkat penetrasinya pun mengalahkan telepon tetap (itu lo telepon yang nongkrong di rumah-rumah yang masih menggunakan kabel) yang hanya berkisar pada angka 4%. Kalau digabung dengan fixed wireless (macam pengguna CDMA gitu deh) hanya berkutat pada angka kurang dari 15%.

Fasilitas Handphone

Fasilitas yang Disediakan Handphone

Hampir seluruh orang dari kalangan anak-anak, remaja, dan orang tua mengenal dan menggunakan hanphone atau lebih akrab disebut HP. Dari waktu ke waktu, HP semakin berperan dalam kehidupan manusia dikarenakan semakin banyaknya fasilitas yang ditawarkan dalam HP. ditambah dengan bentuk HP yang kecil dan mudah dibawa kemana-mana.

Keuntungan & Kerugian Handphone

Keuntungan & Kerugian Handphone

Ø Keuntungan

· Bagi Produsen Handphone

Handphone atau yang lebih dikenal dengan HP sudah dikenal oleh berbagai kalangan. Mulai dari anak kecil hingga lansia, hal ini membuka peluang bagi para pecinta HP utamanya para prodosen HP untuk menciptakan HP dengan berbagai macam merk sehingga bisa mendapatkan hasil yang tak terhingga.

Handphone & Komunikasi

Pengertian Handphone

Handphone adalah suatu alat komunikasi yang sangat praktis,yang mudah dibawa kemana-mana sehingga banyak kalangan yang menggemari handphone sebagai alat komunikasi yang praktis.

Kamis, 07 April 2011

Breaking Benjamin - Dance With The Devil lyric

Here I stand, helpless and left for
Close your eyes, so many days go by
Easy to find what's wrong
Harder to find what's right
I believe in you
I can show you that I can see right
All your empty lies, I won't stay long
In this world so wrong
Say goodbye,
As we dance with the devil tonight
Don't you dare look at him in the eye
As we dance with the devil tonight
Trembling, crawling across my skin
Feeling your cold, dead eyes
Stealing the life of mine
I believe in you
I can show you that I can see right
All your empty lies, I won't last long
In this world so wrong
Say goodbye,
As we dance with the devil tonight
Don't you dare look at him in the eye
As we dance with the devil tonight
Hold on
Hold on
Say goodbye,
As we dance with the devil tonight
Don't you dare look at him in the eye
As we dance with the devil tonight
Hold on
Hold on

Rabu, 06 April 2011

Sejarah Gitar Ibanez

Ibanez mungkin merupakan salah satu pembuat gitar dari jepang yang paling terkenal. Perusahaan gitar Ibanez di dirikan di Nagoya, Jepang pada tahun 1957

Senin, 04 April 2011

Bullet For My Valentine "Fever" lyrics

1. Your Betrayal

Am I going insane?
My blood is boiling inside of my veins
An evil feeling attacks
My body's shaking, theres no turning back
Don't take your eyes off the trigger
I'm not to blame if your world turns to black
As your eyes start to blister
Theres just no hope for our final embrace

So here we are...
I'm in your head...
I'm in your heart!

You were told to run away
Soak the place, and light the flame
Pay the price for your betrayal
Your betrayal, your betrayal!

I was told to stay away
Those two words I can't obey
Pay the price for your betrayal
Your betrayal, your betrayal!

Is it my turn to die?
My heart is pounding as I say goodbye
So now I dance in the flames
I love you crying and screaming my name

You said that we'd be forever
How could you kill me and lie to my face?
Now that we can't be together
There's just no hope for our final embrace
So here we are, I'm in your head
I'm in your heart!!!

You were told to run away
Soak the place, and light the flame
Pay the price for your betrayal
Your betrayal, your betrayal!

I was told to stay away
Those two words I can't obey
Pay the price for your betrayal
Your betrayal, your betrayal!


So here we are (so here we are, I'm in your head)
(I'm in your head)
I'm in your heart!!!

You were told to to run away
Soaked the place and light the flame
Pay the price for your betrayal
Your betrayal, your betrayal!

I was told to stay away
Those two words I can't obey
Pay the price for your betrayal
Your betrayal, your betrayal!

2. Fever

It's hot as hell in here
Everybody wants to lose control
The music's turned up loud, the lights
We'll turn them low

Wound up like a hurricane
And my head's about to explode
Can't wait to self-destruct
Can't wait to let it go

(Woah-oh) She hits the stage
(Woah-oh) She makes me crave
So come and get my money (Woah-oh-oh-oh)

I can feel your fever, taking over
Can you see your fever, taking over me
I can feel your fever, taking over
Got a dirty feeling, and you're the remedy

Woah come on!

So I'm looking for a spark
I've got a body to re-ignite
Don't worry you won't get burned
So don't don't put up a fight

Push hard to breaking point
And I'm ready to overload
No limits and no regrets
It's time to sell my soul

(Woah-oh) You're all I want
(Woah-oh) You're all I need
So come and take my money (Woah-oh-oh-oh)

I can feel your fever, taking over
Can you see your fever, taking over me
I can feel your fever, taking over
Got a dirty feeling, and you're the remedy
And you're the remedy

Come here you naughty girl you're such a tease
You look so beautiful down on your knees
Keep on those high heel shoes rip off all your clothes
You smell so fucking good it makes me lose control!

Losing control! (You're all I want)
Losing control! (You're all I need)
Losing control! (You're all I want)
I can't let you go!

I can feel your fever, taking over
Can you see your fever, taking over me
I can feel your fever, taking over
Got a dirty feeling, and you're the remedy
And you're the remedy
You are the remedy!

3. The Last Fight

I don't wanna stand beside you
I don't wanna try and feel the pain you're going through,
Till the death you'll see this through.

Cold sweats, hallucinations
I wanna speed to stop
The hell I'm going through
The addiction's taking you.

Can you see me through bloodshot eyes (through bloodshot eyes)
Should I fight for what is right or let it die?
Now I'm choking on force fed lies
Do I fight or let it die?

I will fight, one more fight
Don't break down in front of me.
I will fight, will you fight?
I am not the enemy.
I will try one last time
Are you listening to me?
I will fight, the last fight
I am not your enemy.

Everyone is sick of caring
No silver lining on the cloud that covers you
Let it pour and soak you through

No hope, just desperation
So sit and wait for death
And pray it takes you soon.
The addiction's taking you.

Can you see me through bloodshot eyes (through bloodshot eyes)
Should I fight for what is right or let it die?
Now I'm choking on force fed lies
Do I fight or let it die?

I will fight, one more fight
Don't break down in front of me.
I will fight, will you fight?
I am not the enemy.
I will try one last time
Are you listening to me?
I will fight, the last fight
I am not your enemy.

[Guitar solo]

Can you see me through bloodshot eyes (through bloodshot eyes)
Should I fight another night or let it die?
Now I'm choking on every lie.
Now I'm choking on every lie.
Do I fight or let it die?

I will fight, one more fight
Don't break down in front of me.
I will fight, will you fight?
I am not the enemy.
I will try one last time
Are you listening to me?
I will fight, the last fight
I am not your enemy.

I am not your, not your enemy!
I am not your enemy.

4. A Place Where You Belong

Your body's cold
Hope is lost I can't let go
Can I die with you so we can never grow old?
Count the times
With this note you left behind
As I read the words I hear you telling me why

Too late, too late
I never said goodbye
Too late, too late
Can't even ask you why
And now I'm wasting away in my own misery
I hope you've finally gone to a place where you belong

My sadness shows
As your name is carved in stone
Can't erase the words, the reality grows
I wish I died
On that night right by your side
So just kill me now, let the good times roll
Too late, too late

Too late, too late
I never said goodbye
Too late, too late
Can't even ask you why
And now I'm wasting away in my own misery
I hope you've finally gone to a place where you belong

Will you wait for me?
When I see you on the other side
You won't have to wait too long
Yeah, yeah
Will you come to me?
When you're safely to the other side
'cause here I don't belong

Too late, too late
I never said goodbye
Too late, too late
Can't even ask you why
And now I'm wasting away in my own misery
I hope you've finally gone to a place where you belong

I never said goodbye
Can't even ask you why (I've wasted)
Away in my own misery
I hope you've finally gone to a place where you belong

5. Pleasure And Pain

Don't walk away
I'm not done with you, you're not done with me
We can't survive
Will you die for me cause I'd die for you?
I'm not insane cut out my heart with this razor blade
Take this sacrifice
You can feed on me
Can I feed on you?

Come take this sacrifice!
Come take this sacrifice!

You don't bring me pleasure
You just bring me pain
Over and over again
You don't bring me pleasure
You just bring me pain
And nothing in between

There's no escape
You can't run from me
I can't run from you
'cause I'm your god
Will you pray for me 'cause I'll pray for you?
Push your sins aside nobody cares your head's fucked inside
Embrace your apathy
I don't care for you
You don't care for me

Embrace your apathy
Embrace your apathy

You don't bring me pleasure
You just bring me pain
Over and over again
You don't bring me pleasure
You just bring me pain
And nothing in between

6. Alone


No more of taking this hatred from you
You make me feel dead when I'm talking to you
You take me for granted when I'm not around
So burn all your bridges
'cause I'm not going down (down)

This time I will be heard
I'm not gonna burn
It's funny how the table, how the table turns

You fake (fake!) your damn nation
You pray (pray) for salvation
'cause your heart is made of stone
You can die and rot alone

I hope you're unhappy and hurting inside
I want you to choke when you swallow your pride
Lay in your coffin and sleep with your sins
Give me the nails and I'll hammer them in

Right now

This time you won't be heard
You are gonna burn
It's funny how the table, how the table turns

You fake (fake!) your damn nation
You pray (pray) for salvation
'cause your heart is made of stone
You can die and rot alone

You fake (fake) your damn nation
You pray (pray) for salvation (salvation)
'cause your heart is made of stone
You can die and rot alone

Whoa oh oh oh [x8]

This time you wont be heard
You are gonna burn
Its funny how the table, how the table turns

You fake (fake) your damn nation
You pray (pray) for salvation(salvation)
Cause your heart is made of stone
You can die and rot alone

You fake (fake) your damn nation
You pray (pray) for salvation (salvation)
Cause your heart is made of stone
You can die and rot alone

You can die and rot alone
Just die and rot alone
This time you wont be heard [x3]

7. Breaking Out, Breaking Down

We could blame the world forever
We could just escape together
So are we breaking out, or are we breaking down
We can't blame this world forever (This world forever)

The end will never come
There's still a mountain left to climb
But we will overcome the hurdles placed inside our minds
(so close, but still so far)
Each day will bring us brand new scars
(What are we fighting for)
We cannot live like this no more
'Cause in the thick of darkened days, we know

Just need some clarity, can't seem to open up these eyes
For what your sympathy it took me time to realize
(This is not what I want)
Or how I thought this life would be
(This is not what we wanted)
So take this shit away from me
'Cause in the thick of darkened days, we know

We could blame, the world forever
We could trust, escape together
So are we breaking out (breaking out)
Or are we breaking down (breaking down)
We can't blame this world forever (This world forever)

So are we breaking out
Or are we breaking down

(We could blame this world forever)
We could blame, the world forever
We could trust, escape together
So are we breaking out (breaking out)
Or are we breaking down (breaking down)
We can't blame this world forever (This world forever)

'Cause in the thick of darkened days, we know

8. Bittersweet Memories

You turn me off at the push of a button
And you pretend that I don't mean nothing
I'm not a saint that's easy to tell
But guess what honey you ain't no angel

You like to scream, use words as a weapon
Well go head take your best shot woman
I wanna leave you it's easy to see
But guess what honey it's not that easy

We get so complicated (complicated)
These fingers full of memories

So rip my pictures from your wall
Tear them down and burn them all
Light the fire, walk away
There's nothing left to say so
Take the ashes from the floor
Bury them to just make sure
That nothing more is left of me
Just bittersweet memories

I wanna run and escape from your prison
But when I leave I feel something is missing
I'm not afraid that's easy to tell
This can't be heaven it feels like I'm in hell
Your like a drug that I can't stop taking
I want more and I can't stop craving
I still want you it's easy to see
But guess what honey your not that good for me

We get so complicated (COMPLICATED)
These fingers full of memories

So rip my pictures from your wall
Tear them down and burn them all
Light the fire, walk away
There's nothing left to say so
Take the ashes from the floor
Bury them to just make sure
That nothing more is left of me
Just bittersweet memories

Just bittersweet memories

We get so complicated (complicated)
These fingers full of memories

We get so complicated (complicated)

So rip my pictures from your wall
Tear them down and burn them all
Light the fire, walk away
There's nothing left to say so
Take the ashes from the floor
Bury them to just make sure
That nothing more is left of me
Just bittersweet memories

There's nothing left to say [2x]

9. Dignity

So society just can't let us be
Please don't be ashamed
We are not to blame
The future's ours to take
We will make mistakes
Scream is loud and proud
We will not back down

So let's go we'll release the pressure
And a kick can only make it better
We can't we won't surrender
We can't we won't surrender!

We're not scared 'cause our life in danger
We add the heat will only make it stronger
We can't we won't surrender
We can't we won't surrender!

Don't tell me where are we laying your cemetery
Don't try to silence and bury me
Don't push me 'cause I won't go quietly
I'd rather die with dignity

Woman put us down
Hope we're not around
They pray we go away
But we're here to stay

Time is on our side
Our two worlds collide
These four words might help
Just go fuck yourself!

So let's go we'll release the pressure
And a kick can only make it better
We can't we won't surrender
We can't we won't surrender!

We're not scared 'cause our life in danger
We add the heat will only make it stronger
We can't we won't surrender
We can't we won't surrender!

Don't tell me where are we laying your cemetery
Don't try to silence and bury me
Don't push me 'cause I won't go quietly
I'd rather die with dignity



Don't tell me where are we laying your cemetery
Don't try to silence and bury me
Don't push me 'cause I won't go quietly
I'd rather die with dignity

Tell me where are we laying your cemetery
Don't try to silence and bury me
Don't push me 'cause I won't go quietly
I'd rather die with dignity

10. Begging For Mercy

Yeah! Oh!

Waking up with just one thing in mind,
Eyes sewn shut so tear them open wide.
I'm on the hunt, I'm on the prowl, I can almost taste you now.
I'm on your scent, I'll track you down. I'm on you now.

Drain your blood, watch it pour.
Drain your blood, plead no more.

Please forgive me, I don't know what I'm doing.
Someone help me. Stop begging for your mercy.
Please forgive me, I don't know what I'm doing.
Someone help me. Stop begging for your mercy.

Can you feel the pain, the smell of fear's around you.
Do you wanna scream, let it out just know I can hear you.
I'm on the hunt, I'm on the prowl. I can almost taste you now.
I'm on your scent, I'll track you down. I'm on you now.

Drain your blood, watch it pour.
Drain your blood, plead no more.

Please forgive me, I don't know what I'm doing.
Someone help me. Stop begging for your mercy.
Please forgive me, I don't know what I'm doing.
Someone help me. Stop begging for your mercy.

Drain your blood, watch it pour.
Drain your blood, plead no more.

[Guitar solo]

Please forgive me, I don't know what I'm doing.
Someone help me. Stop begging for your mercy.
Please forgive me, I don't know what I'm doing.
Someone help me. Stop begging for your mercy.


11. Pretty On The Outside

Whoa, whoa, whoa

So you wanna play games with my head?
But you make me fall apart, I wish that I was dead
I just can't believe I fell, for such a blackened heart
You played me for a fool and used me from the start

Fuck you (fuck you), I just want to know the truth,
but the words from your mouth they just cloud,
All the negativity, forces me down into (silence)
But still I can pray,
I wanna know, I wanna know

If I tear you open wide, take a look inside
Are you pretty?
Can I get inside your mind, see what I can find?
Are you pretty?
So just take off that disguise, everyone knows that you're only
Pretty on the outside

Now I fucking hate you, with all of my heart
Just disappear, and never will I fear for my life
I just want to be alone,
And never, no never, will I be unhappy alone,
I wanna know, I wanna know

If I tear you open wide, take a look inside
Are you pretty?
Can I get inside your mind, see what I can find?
Are you pretty?
So just take off that disguise, everyone knows that you're only
Pretty on the outside

You're so pretty on the outside
You're so pretty on the outside

So you wanna play games with my head
But you make me fall apart, and wish that I was dead
Can't believe I fell for such a blackened heart
You played me for a fool and just used me from the start

I just wanna know the truth (but the words from your mouth)
All your negativity (you keep forcing me down)
Into silence I can dream (into silence I can dream) Into silence I can dream

If I tear you open wide, take a look inside
Are you pretty? (pretty!)
Can I get inside your mind, see what I can find?
Are you pretty? (pretty!)
So just take off that disguise, everyone knows that you're only
Pretty on the outside

Whoa, you're so pretty on the outside
Whoa (you're so pretty on the outside)
You're so pretty on the outside!